Five Essential Tips on Auto-grading for Microsoft Forms Quizzes

We have been delighted to hear that educators around the globe are using Microsoft Forms to create surveys and quizzes for their students’ learning. Whether it is your first time adding branching to create personalized formative assessments or you have

Introducing new policy wizard to easily apply admin polices in Teams for Education

We’re excited to introduce the Microsoft Teams for Education policy wizard, now available in the Microsoft Teams Admin Center. IT admins can now easily apply education tailored policies for a safe learning environment for students, educators and staff. The policy

Announcing new H5P and OneNote integration to help bring interactive content to life

As we continue listening to students and educators, we have heard many requests for OneNote integration with H5P, the tool that allows people to create, share and reuse interactive content. The OneNote binder metaphor, and the ability to easily embed

Organize School and Class Information with Microsoft Lists

We know the world of education is becoming increasingly more complex. With hybrid and remote learning, there is more information to track than ever. Fortunately, new technology can help teachers, students, and administrators get organized. Gone are the days of

Remote & Hybrid Learning in a Microsoft Environment: A Higher Ed Student Perspective

This post was written in collaboration with Gabi Stein, Tessa Wiedmann and Colin Birge, and Amy Shan from The Microsoft EDU Engagement Team. Recently, members of the EDU Engagement team at Microsoft reached out to the Microsoft Student Forum for

Record Slide Show in PowerPoint for Mac coming soon, plus additional PPT updates available today

Record Slide Show is an easy to use tool that allows you to create narrations to go along with your slides. During a time of remote meetings and learning, alternate methods of presenting are becoming more and more important in