Feature Focus with Microsoft MVPs: S6-6 – Microsoft 365 Dynamic Groups & Viva Insights

Summary: Thanks to all of you who checked out MVP Feature Focus 6 featuring Dan Rey where we talked about Microsoft 365 Dynamic Groups & Karoliina Kettukari shares insight on Viva Insights from a team managers point of view. If

Redefining Product Design and Development with Figma in Microsoft Teams

Summary: Empowering today’s digitally connected, distributed workforce requires the right culture powered by the right technology. One critical challenge facing employees, whether remote or in the office, is the hidden cost of context switching between applications. The traditional workplace model

Announcing Deeper SAP Integration for the Power Platform

Summary: Microsoft’s acquisition of Clear Software has led to new functionality for organizations running SAP in Power Apps, Power Automate, and Logic Apps that will enable large-scale adoption of the Power Platform. Date: 2022-12-16 05:21:31Z Link: https://powerautomate.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/announcing-deeper-sap-integration-for-the-power-platform/

Feature Focus with Microsoft MVPs: S6-E5 | Microsoft Teams for EDU & Approvals in Teams

Summary: Thanks to all of you who checked out our MVP Feature Focus 5 with Laurent Carlier, who shared best practices for using Microsoft Teams for EDU, and Fátima Blancas, who walked us through how to configure approvals in Teams.