Whiteboard.Chat adds the Immersive Reader and also OneNote embed support

Test https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/education-blog/whiteboard-chat-adds-the-immersive-reader-and-also-onenote-embed/ba-p/2117972 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/education-blog/whiteboard-chat-adds-the-immersive-reader-and-also-onenote-embed/ba-p/2117972 2021-02-23 17:00:00Z

Instructure Announces Immersive Reader is Available Free to Canvas Users

Last week, Instructure announced that the Microsoft Immersive Reader is now freely available to all Canvas users to make content more inclusive and accessible. Canvas by Instructure is the learning platform that helps great education happen. Open, intuitive, and born

Discovery Education integrates with Immersive Reader to make learning more accessible for all

Today we are excited to announce that Microsoft’s Immersive Reader has been integrated into Discovery Education’s award-winning K-12 services! Immersive Reader’s integration with Discovery Education’s dynamic services further accelerate the development of critical reading and comprehension skills while making learning

What’s New in Microsoft Teams for Education | January 2021

We’re going to keep this month short and sweet. There are new features and capabilities to share for Microsoft Teams for Education this month, and great training and resources available. Plus, a beautiful vision for the future of education: Without

Five tips to help keep your online classrooms safer with Microsoft Teams

Faced with an unprecedent global crisis that disrupted classrooms around the world, educators demonstrated perseverance, agility, and creativity in quickly adapting to an online classroom environment. As remote and hybrid learning continues into 2021, we know that maintaining secure and

Empowering Remote Exam Proctoring with Proctorio, Microsoft Edge and Windows 10

Hello Education IT admins! Today, we are pleased to announce the general availability release of the Proctorio browser extension for Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 PCs. Powered by Microsoft Edge, Windows 10 and Microsoft Azure, Proctorio offers a scalable, online

In-Depth Training Sessions for Global IT Admins

Webinars on Microsoft 365 onboarding, deployment, Teams governance, Windows 10 device configuration Introduction We’re very excited to announce a series of Microsoft 365 EDU onboarding and deployment webinars. These events are public and may be joined by anyone who’s interested,