Notifications from Yammer communities are now available in Microsoft Teams

Summary: Today we’re announcing the rollout of notifications from Yammer communities in Microsoft Teams. With millions of employees working remotely or in hybrid environments, it’s more important than ever for employees to feel connected. Teams makes it easier to collaborate

7 tips for safe online meetings and collaboration with Microsoft Teams

Summary: Remote and hybrid work has become the new norm for many employees across the globe as day-to-day collaboration continues to be accomplished virtually. With this shift to online communication, how can you ensure that you’re collaborating safely? Queue Microsoft

In-Depth Training Sessions for Global IT Admins

Webinars on Microsoft 365 onboarding, deployment, Teams governance, Windows 10 device configuration Introduction We’re very excited to announce a series of Microsoft 365 EDU onboarding and deployment webinars. These events are public and may be joined by anyone who’s interested,

Simplify Authentication with Managed Identities for Azure Resources | Data Exposed

Managed Identities for Azure Resources can be leveraged to provide applications running on Azure Services with password-free access to Azure SQL databases and simplifying aspects like credential rotation and secrets management. In this episode of Data Exposed with Silvano Coriani,