How to Use Linked Data Types

Work smarter, not harder From starting a film club to science homework, data types connect to trusted sources to help get things done. Get data types in Excel for the web on subjects like chemistry, movies, and more.

Ideas in Excel

Ideas in Excel empowers you to understand your data through natural language queries that allow you to ask questions about your data without having to write complicated formulas. 2021-01-25 19:50:04Z

Introducing WorkLab: A new digital publication devoted to the future of work

Introducing WorkLab: A new digital publication devoted to the future of work Join us as we build work’s future together. The post Introducing WorkLab: A new digital publication devoted to the future of work appeared first on Microsoft 365 Blog.

Discover, learn and create flows using in product help!

Summary: Looking for guidance on how to get started with a trigger or action and popular scenarios with examples? Today we are announcing the availability of a new Power Virtual Agents-based chatbot and contextual help while building flows. Date: 2021-01-22

Something Old, Something New: Two Data Scientists walk into a bar. What are the odds? | Data Exposed

In this exciting episode of Something Old, Something New, Buck Woody and Anna Hoffman introduce the show, and explain the deep and dark meaning behind the show’s intriguing title. You’ll learn the maths behind Data Science and Machine Learning, why