10 Best Low-Code Development Platforms in 2020

softwaretestinghelp.com – Explore the List of the Top Low-Code Development Platforms and Tools along with their Features: Low-code development platform is an application that provides the Graphical User Interface for programm… Tweeted by @DvelopPeru https://twitter.com/DvelopPeru/status/1311728201899663360 https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/low-code-development-platforms/ 2020-10-01 18:02:28Z

Making a big impact starts with making things really simple

Making a big impact starts with making things really simple Microsoft Endpoint Manager connects you to all the important aspects of your IT estate with native integration with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft’s advanced security, compliance, and identity solutions. Learn what’s

See all the Power Automate updates at the Microsoft Business Applications Launch Event

Summary: Join us on October 1, 2020, from 9–11 AM Pacific Time (UTC -7), for this free digital event. You’ll discover how applied AI unifies and enriches your data. And find out how the updates coming in the next release