Our hero Buck Woody goes on a trip (virtually though, since there’s a thing) to the data jungle to detangle the tangled. He also notices that your data is a bit…chunky, and shows you how to go low-calorie with your algorithms. Anna Hoffman shows up to save the day with something really deep. Deep Learning, that is. To check out even more Data Exposed Live episodes, see our playlist: https://aka.ms/dataexposedlive Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://aka.ms/msazuresqlyt Follow us on Twitter: https://aka.ms/azuresqltw
Link to video or interactive guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRNvuD5n8BQ&list=PL3EZ3A8mHh0zhUF9QRRol5wgYf5rNelWv&index=1&t=12s
https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/video-hub/something-old-something-new-reduce-reuse-recycle-data-exposed/m-p/2164181#M960 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/video-hub/something-old-something-new-reduce-reuse-recycle-data-exposed/m-p/2164181#M960 2021-02-25 00:02:24Z