Thank you, MVPs!

Each month, several passionate community members are recognized through the Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals, or MVP, award. July is always a special time of year when current MVPs are renewed based on their ongoing outstanding contributions over the past year. Today, we’d like to congratulate all MVPs who have had their award renewed in 2023. For those of you on social media wondering what all the #MVPBuzz is about, you can learn more about the program here.

Microsoft Teams finds tremendous value in working closely with the MVP community. It’s imperative that we stay customer driven when planning, building, testing, and releasing features. Our MVPs help us share customer feedback, to explain and validate scenarios, shaping the messaging to ensure you get the information you need, and helping to get the details to you the way you’ll consume them best. They do this by being on social, writing blogs, delivering sessions at user groups and events, and supplying sample code among other things. You can see samples of what our current MVPs do for their community contributions here.

Interested in getting started? Look for MVPs in your region and connect to learn about ways to contribute to your local community. Here are a few ideas to get you going:

  • Share your tips and tricks or answer questions from community in the Microsoft Technical Community (MTC)
  • Turn your tips and tricks into a blog or share your customer stories in the Microsoft Teams Community Blog. Submit your ideas for content here.
  • Attend or present at an upcoming user group or community event near you. To see what’s happening in your area or to get involved with the Microsoft Community Council, check out the Community Days site driven by community.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with our MVPs this year to make sure they have the technical deep dives to be experts on the product, the opportunity to engage early in the development process directly with our engineering team, and early access to roadmap items and announcements so they are armed with information to help their communities when features are released. That said, my favorite part of the MVP program is seeing the relationships built between people across different geographies, who have different backgrounds, who speak different languages – all because they share a passion for technology.

Again, a big congratulations and an even bigger thank you to all of you MVPs. The work you do above and beyond your day-to-day job is recognized and you should be honored to add another ring to your MVP award this year.

In September, I will host our quarterly MVP FAQ where I’ll share a little about what the product groups are looking for in MVP candidates, how the nomination and award process works, and what you might get out of being in the program. I’ll be joined by current MVPs who can share their first hand experience, as well. If you’re interested in receiving the invite, you can complete the request form here.

For more information and to find MVPs near you, visit: 2023-07-06 22:32:53Z

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