19 October, 2022 14:16

The Microsoft Education team has a history of listening to educators and working closely with the community as we launch new updates and develop new concepts. As part of this effort, today we are thrilled to announce a new webinars series put on by our Microsoft Education Product Management group. The series is called “What’s New in Microsoft EDU” and this 30-minute webinar will happen once per month, at both 8:00am Pacific Time and 4:00pm Pacific time to cover as many global time zones as possible around the world. And don’t worry – we’ll be recording these and posting on our Microsoft Education YouTube channel in a new “What’s New in Microsoft EDU” playlist, so you’ll always to able to watch later or share with others!

A typical 30 minute webinar agenda will look something like this:

  • What’s new in Microsoft Teams for EDU (including demos)
  • What’s new in M365 EDU (including demos)
  • Often a special guest from another part of the team
  • AMA – Ask Microsoft EDU Anything (Q&A)

How to sign up

Here is what the webinar registration portal will look like:


We look forward to hearing from you as we begin this new series!

Mike Tholfsen

Group Product Manager

Microsoft Education

https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/education-blog/what-s-new-in-microsoft-edu-a-new-monthly-webinar-series/ba-p/3655969 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/education-blog/what-s-new-in-microsoft-edu-a-new-monthly-webinar-series/ba-p/3655969 2022-10-19 14:07:28Z

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