Morgan Stanley shares how WebView2 brings their applications together at Microsoft Build

Dov Katz, Managing Director and Distinguished Engineer from Morgan Stanley, is meeting the productivity needs of their fast-paced work environment by using Microsoft Edge WebView2. To future-proof their approach to bring native and web apps into one experience, Morgan Stanley

American Airlines shares PowerApps and Microsoft Teams connect their frontline workers

Shalini Neelankavil and Chaitanya Kommidi from American Airlines share how they are using PowerApps and Microsoft Teams to connect ground crew, pilots, gate staff and mechanics to drive more on time departures. Reference Links: Microsoft Learn: Microsoft Build Event

Reconnect and have a hybrid coffee break with Starbucks and Microsoft Teams

Summary: As organizations continue the transition to hybrid work, we at Microsoft have shared new research, our experience and tools for employees and leaders on how to navigate the journey. IT Professionals play a critical role in making hybrid work

Secure users with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Mobile Threat Defense

Learn how IT Pros can deploy & manage Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on their organizations iOS & Android devices and understand capabilities available across both platforms. 2021-06-02 22:24:47Z

How to Operate Microsoft Intune in the Real World

Understand how Microsoft runs & updates the service, as well as covering Microsoft Intune service architecture, service updates, proactive reporting, & specialist reporting 2021-06-02 22:28:31Z

Ask the ConfigMgr Experts: Microsoft Endpoint Manager #MonthOfMEM ATE series

Get answers to any questions you have around Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager at this special #MonthofMEM Ask the Experts event. 2021-06-02 22:02:37Z

Ask the Android Experts: Microsoft Endpoint Manager ATE series

Get answers to any questions you have around Android device management in Microsoft Endpoint Manager at this special Ask the Experts event. 2021-06-02 21:54:13Z