Migrating to SQL: Cloud Migration Strategies and Phases in Migration Journey (Ep. 1) | Data Exposed

Understand the various cloud migration drivers, migration strategies, and various phases in the migration journey in this episode of Data Exposed with Venkata Raj Pochiraju. He’ll also introduce various database migration tools and services that Microsoft builds to help you

Connect directly to machines and new machine management for desktop flows

Summary: Previously, you needed to install and configure an on-premises data gateway to trigger your desktop flows from the cloud. We are excited to announce that Power Automate Desktop can now connect your machine directly to the cloud and run

WestJet shares how Power Virtual Agents enable self service discovery on SharePoint Online

Lisa Eyamie from WestJet joined Customer Tech Talks to share how using Power Virtual Agents enabled them to stand up a chat bot connecting staff to the resources and knowledge stored in their SharePoint online environment. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/video-hub/westjet-shares-how-power-virtual-agents-enable-self-service/m-p/2321769#M1213 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/video-hub/westjet-shares-how-power-virtual-agents-enable-self-service/m-p/2321769#M1213 2021-05-04 13:47:05Z