Oriflame shares how Microservices and CosmosDB on Azure scale their global eCommerce platform

Jakub Ferenc joins Customer Tech Talks to share how Oriflame uses Microservices and CosmosDB on Azure to run and scale their global eCommerce platform. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/video-hub/oriflame-shares-how-microservices-and-cosmosdb-on-azure-scale/m-p/2281994#M1197 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/video-hub/oriflame-shares-how-microservices-and-cosmosdb-on-azure-scale/m-p/2281994#M1197 2021-04-22 22:21:36Z

Azure SQL Security Series: Understanding Access and Authentication | Data Exposed Live

In this episode of Data Exposed Live, Andreas Wolter and Mirek Sztajno (Azure SQL Security Program Managers) guide you through two fundamental areas of securing a SQL Database: Authentication and Access Management. Covering basics and also advanced concepts, this session