IoT ELP Module 2 (Main Presentation) – Optimizing Data Communication to Maximize Your ROI

Data collection by itself does not provide business values. IoT solutions must ingest, process, make decisions, and take actions to create value. This module focuses on data acquisition, data ingestion, and the data processing aspect of IoT solutions to maximize

5 Tips for migrating existing Line of Business applications to Microsoft Teams you can do today

I hope you are doing well, as we all adjust to a different style of work. Three months in and we’re all starting to become a bit more familiar with working from home, or possibly living at work. Microsoft Teams

Taking advantage of Microsoft Planner and Teams for collaboration ease

As the world generally is in a point of a digital limbo, digital transformation rapidly took place across all the segments of the world industrial sectors in just 3-4 months. The Pandemic opened us to various new ways to work,

Enable your remote workforce to work with Microsoft 365 and Teams with enhanced security

Microsoft 365 enabled all its consumer to use Microsoft 365 workloads from everywhere/anywhere. Microsoft has built data center in almost all the regions which help customers to connect closed data center from your office egress and remote work locations. But

Do it Yourself: A New Vision that Accelerates the Digital Transformation in All Companies

Do-it-yourself is now a reality for all Power Users with Microsoft Power Platform and Microsoft Teams. The Maker Culture is here to empower all users in a business so that they can create low-cost solutions to all the problems or